Where and why

This piece of land came onto the market and was purchased on the village’s behalf as a significant opportunity to:

  • Safeguard the important ‘green gap’ between Ditchling and Hassocks (the ‘strategic gap’ in our Neighbourhood Plan); and

  • Create a special community asset/space for the village that really adds value to the community.

This was done on condition that we pay the purchaser back. We also need to decide what positive use we can put the land to both for our community and for nature, and how we will fund its ongoing management and upkeep.

What could the site become?

The main constraint is that the site cannot be used for development or more built infrastructure as one of its main  purposes is to protect the landscape setting of the village.

However, although the land is only 1.1 ha, it could provide a range of benefits.

  • It provides the right conditions for creation of habitats such as wetlands, hedgerows and grassland, which together would support pollinators and other wildlife, store carbon and reduce flood risk.

  • As an accessible community space, it could provide opportunities to meet, play, walk or sit in a natural environment.

  • It could provide a flexible use area for occasional community events, such as the fun fair

With careful zoning and design, it could do all of these things.

At this early stage we need your ideas to help us refine the vision.

  • What do you think?

  • What would you like to see on the site?

  • How do you imagine using it?

  • What should we call it?

Existing support

Grants may be available to carry out the type of works that may help to support nature and access and we are already well connected into these sources of funding. We are strongly supported by the Parish Council and have been talking to other interested groups in the village. We have had very useful talks with South Downs National Park, Ouse and Adur River Trust, and Action in Rural Sussex, amongst others and have had a great deal of positive feedback.

Let’s protect and conserve this land, a shared treasure for all in the village.

Be a part of our mission to enhance this land’s beauty and create natural resources for our village to enjoy.